Initial applications to volunteer at this year’s Meredith Music Festival have recently closed.
However, if you’re interested in joining the Volunteer Waitlist for Meredith Thirty Two, please read on…
Our Volunteer program is designed for people who are unable to fund a ticket and/or would prefer to contribute in a different way. With this in mind, please only apply for a Volunteer spot and accept shifts if this sounds like you, and you are really really sure you’ll be up for it.
If not, and you still want to take part, you’ll need to Enter the Ballot to purchase a ticket.
If you would like to apply to Volunteer, which you can do via the button below, a $2 charge will be made on a credit/debit card in your name to complete your initial application. If you accept a Volunteer spot, we want your assured presence.
Shift Selection
If successful, you will be able to select the pair of 4-hour shifts that best suit you in October. You can choose the area where you’d like to volunteer, you can plan with other volunteers to work similar shifts, you can elect to work early shifts, later shifts or a combination, and you can avoid missing an artist you’d really like to see. Please keep in mind that shifts are selected on a first-in, first-served basis. You will be able to select one pair of 4-hour shifts (8 hours in total) and shift pairings cannot be de-coupled.
If you’re not offered a Volunteer spot by December 6 2024, your $2 application fee will be refunded to you.
Apply to Volunteer
If you would like to join the Volunteer Waitlist for Meredith Thirty Two, please complete the application:
You can login by entering your Email Address and your password. If you can’t recall your password, please click on the ‘reset password’ link within the ‘Sign In/Register’ tab. If you’re new to Workers Online World, please go to the Register section and follow the prompts.
Make sure you read through every section of the application by clicking on each of the tabs at the top of the application form. There is an Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy and a Workers Code of Conduct that all volunteers, workers and contractors must read before being able to complete their application.
Complete the tabs headed ‘Your Details’, ‘Next of Kin’, ‘Induction’, ‘Volunteer Agreement’, ‘Volunteer Application’ and ‘Credit Card Info’ in order to finalise your application. Double check your details to make sure they are up-to-date. If you are using a mobile device, click on the menu icon up the top to move from tab to tab.
Remember to read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Volunteer Agreement.
If you’re interested in being considered for paid work this season, please complete the optional ‘Paid Work’ tab. Keep in mind that opportunities for paid work are limited.
Very Important
Make sure you click on the ‘Submit Application’ button to finalise your application.
Check the status of your application under ‘Your Application Status’ located on the right hand side of the application. An email will be sent confirming your application has been received.
Thank you for reading this far and for considering applying to Volunteer at Meredith Thirty Two.
Veronica the Volunteers’ Manager
Meredith Music Festival and Golden Plains
Frequently Asked Questions
Will everyone who applies be successful?
There’s a few things that an applicant must be for their application to be successful, which includes being over 18 at the time gates open, being flexible, patient, reliable and friendly, and being able to look after themselves and others. Not everyone will be successful, but if you do miss out you can ask to be placed on the ‘Volunteer Waitlist’.
When will I find out if I have a Volunteer spot?
All Volunteer applicants will be notified before the end of Round One Ballot Sales, so if you miss out on a volunteer spot, you will still have the opportunity to purchase a ticket if you are a subscriber and score in the ballot.
How long do Volunteer shifts go for?
Volunteer time commitment usually consists of two separate 4-hour shifts over the weekend, which make up a total of 8 hours, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Am I required in the lead up?
No. Tickets are to be collected when you arrive. Please be sure to check emails regularly. You will receive your shift details and all correspondence this way.
When will I find out my shifts?
Confirmation of shifts will be sent out via email roughly 6 – 8 weeks prior.
If you are successful before the end of October, you can select the pair of shifts that suit you best. You can choose the area where you’d like to volunteer, you can plan with other volunteers to work similar shifts, you can elect to work early shifts, later shifts or a combination, and you can avoid missing an artist you’d really like to see. Please keep in mind that shifts are selected on a first-in, first-served basis. You will only be able to select one pair of 4-hour shifts (8 hours in total) and shift pairings cannot be de-coupled.
If I apply to become a Volunteer and miss out, is there any other way I can receive a Volunteer spot?
There is no way to guarantee that you will receive a Volunteer spot, but you are more than welcome to sign up to the Volunteer Waitlist.
Why is there a Volunteer Agreement?
We need to be sure that Volunteers will honour their commitment by completing their shifts. Putting it in writing gives both of us reassurance. It also allows Volunteers to be covered under our insurance. We ask all Volunteer applicants to complete this agreement. Please be sure to read the Agreement prior to agreeing to it.
Why do I need to supply credit/debit card details?
As security for a Volunteer ticket. To complete your initial application a $2 application fee will be required. If you accept a Volunteer spot, we want your assured presence. So please only apply for a Volunteer spot and agree to shifts if you’re really really sure that you are willing to attend and complete your shifts.
If you breach the Volunteer Agreement, terms and conditions or any of our policies, then your credit/debit card will be charged with the cost of the ticket (including booking fee), plus an administration fee of $150. If you’re not offered a Volunteer shift by December 6, your $2 application fee will be refunded to you. You may be breath tested to ensure you are under .05 when you sign in.
Looking for a paid role?
From time to time there are opportunities for paid work. Paid roles require a minimum of 16 hours work across the weekend. In addition, roles with the Site Operations department require weekday availability for four weeks in advance, as well as over the weekend itself.
Please outline your areas of interest and skill within your volunteer application to help us match you to a suitable role, should one arise.
What if I need support?
MMF Pty Ltd is an equal opportunity employer and we aim to provide you with as much support as we can.
Notify your Manager or visit Sign In if there is anything troubling you, or that you would like us to be aware of. This may include accessibility, welfare needs, medical conditions or concerns regarding your workplace. Your privacy is always respected and we will listen without judgement.
You can also make use of the Helper Hotline by calling or texting 0430 091 120. Welfare and medical support is available from the Welfare team or First Aid (both are located to the right of the stage) 24 hours over the course of the weekend.
If you would like to make anonymous contact (and it’s not an emergency), this can be done during the weekend via the Helpdesk, or after the weekend via Feedback.
You can also register any medical conditions with First Aid during the weekend, as well as have your medication safely stored there.